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经典英文励志句子个性签名2021 Cried

发布时间:2023-07-17 23:39:11源自:http://www.lanzhouxww.com作者:童鞋会阅读(163)

1、those you love most hurt you most. 你越爱的东西伤你越深。

2、The moon does not hold you, time destroys you, but I love you. 月亮不抱你 时光摧毁你 可我爱你

3、I miss you most when I realized that I missed you。在我最思念你的时候,我才发觉我已经错过了

4、[ 心里有座坟 葬着未亡人.]

5、If there is a suitcase, I'll spiralling out to stray. 如果有皮箱,我会一发不可收拾的去流浪。

6、Like you are really want to forget you are also true. 喜欢你是真的 要忘了你也是真的。

7、You make my heart smile.我

8、Every story has an end, but in life every ending is a new beginning.每个故事都有个结局,但是在生活中每个结局都是新的开始。

9、伤口上撒盐是为了消毒还是为了疼得更痛快 Add salt to the wound to disinfection or to hurt so much

10、We used to talk everyday.now it’s like we don’t even know each other anymore

11、Every time you come to mind, I realize I’m smiling. 每次一想到你,我发现自己都不自觉的在微笑。

12、your name with my life.(你的名字伴我生老病死)


13、It had be better to forget you, but I do not really want

14、Let go hand in a noisy streets, find the pupil picture. 放开手在喧闹的大街,找不到瞳孔中的画面。

15、It's up to you what your world looks like. ——你的世界呈现出怎样的面貌,全由你

16、Every story has an ending. but in life, every end is a new beginning. 每段故事都有一个结局,但是在人的一生中,每一个终点同时也是一个新的起点。

17、The most important thing in life, in fact, is to choose the people around. 一辈子最重要的事,其实就是选对身边的人。

18、Sometimes it's better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you

19、Thelonelyyouth,Ionlyforyou. 整个青春孤寂,我只为了一个你。

20、Can laugh about people who breathe naturally also be crying quietly. 能笑到快要断气的人自然也可以哭得无声无息。

21、A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed 患难之交才是真真的朋友

22、Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet. 有些人能感受雨,而其他人则只是被淋湿。

23、Were it not for youth is short, and who would want to still time.    若非青春苦短,谁会想来日方长。

24、If happiness is not in the corner of the road, then it must be in the end of the road. 若幸福不在路的转角,那它一定在路的尽头。

25、I got are lucky,I lost may be the life. 我得到的都是侥幸,我失去的却是整个人生。

26、I like a dumb not to tell the truth. (我像个哑巴不会说心里话。)

27、Not crave forever,because too far. 不奢求永远 因为太远。

28、The time that you are my most fatal. 时光深知你是我最致命的爱。

29、Refused to listen to the words sound is also a kind of injury. 拒绝的话说得再好听也是一种伤害。

30、As long as people do not lose their direction, they will not lose themselves. 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。

31、Sometimes it takes a really big fall to know where you stand. 【vs】 有时候需要狠狠摔一跤,才能知道你的位置。

32、There's always

33、Whenever you had a bad day, just remember I love you. 不管什么时候你过得不开心,只要记得有我爱你就好。

34、Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop. 爱情就像照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养

35、Now people have changed only as time goes by. 今朝物是人非 也只剩时光荏苒

36、Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect. 有时候,最适合你的人,恰恰是你最没有想到的人。

37、The second i still read with you in different ways to love you

38、My heart is not open hours, not the restaurant at any time, welcome to. 我的心不是时营业的餐厅,没有随时的欢迎光临。

39、our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. 决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。

40、Thinking too much can only cause trouble. 想太多只会带来麻烦。

41、Bedfellows, Xi wings thewane. 如影随形,汐羽翼凋零。

42、as long as you need me,I will s

43、you can you up,no can no bb 你行你上啊,不行别嚷嚷

44、I tried to smile but tears will fall. 我努力微笑可是眼泪还是会掉。

45、At that time I, also sun than now. 那时候的我,比现在还阳光。

46、The time in the class, our love is walking. 时间在流,我们的爱在走。

47、平凡至极又可爱非常,算半个有趣的人。Ordinary to the extreme and very lovely, half an interesting perso

48、I don't like being replaced even if I was not good enough 我不喜欢被人取而代之即使我不够好。

49、习惯像永不愈合的固执伤疤 Habit is like a never healing stubborn scars

50、The only present love demands is love. 爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。

51、Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover. 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞,盘旋然后不见。

52、You say you will not let me cry. 你说不会再让我哭泣。

53、A knife a knife cut his way into my heart 【一刀一刀往我心上割】

54、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

55、Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller and smaller after every mistake. 信任就像橡皮擦,在一次一次的错误中慢慢损耗变小。

56、All lives end,all hearts are broken. 生命都会终结,徒留一颗破碎的心。

57、Youlightupmylife 你照亮我的生命。

58、Love, living things, is you let me know! 爱情,扯淡的东西,是你让我懂得!

59、The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do. -- Henry David Thoreau

60、I know the people I really care about a few.我知道 真正在乎我的没几个

61、The rest of your life is still long. 余生还长,幸识,以后请多关照。

62、I want to put all of your details are locked into my eyes . 我想把所有关于你的细节都锁进属于我的眼。

63、Believe you can do it(相信自己一定可以)

64、If I hire you for a lifetime with a ten-mile peach blossom. 我若用十里桃花,聘你一生年华。

65、Just gonna stand there and

66、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的爱是个梦,却有真实的痛。

67、After the novelty, all that remains is perfunctory and boring.新鲜感过后剩下得全是敷衍和厌倦

68、You must be happy, don't waste my mess exit. 你一定要过得幸福,才不枉我狼狈退出。

69、Never forget who was with you from the start. 【vs】 永远不要忘记陪你开始的那个人。

70、May your next love be an opponent, an equal, lasting and inseparable one. 愿你下一场恋爱,是棋逢对手,是势均力敌,是长久永固,是白首不相离。

71、I want to cry, but my pride told me not to. 我想哭泣,可是我的骄傲告诉我不可以。

72、you are the pretty sunshine of my life

73、Cried enough, you will go, injury will be good. 哭过了就好了,你都会走的,伤也会好的。

74、All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it

75、Eyes love sour woman do the queen. 眼睛爱发酸的女人怎么做女王。

76、You taste your tea, I drink my liquor. 你尝你的清茶,我喝我的烈酒。


77、Memoryisawonderfulthingifyoudon'thavetodealwiththepast. 回忆本来是非常美好的,只要你能让过去的都过去。

78、We just met not to start

79、If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you


81、No man cool call back yesterday. 时光流逝 不可复得。

82、My love will shine. 【vs】 我的爱人会发光。

83、Everything comes to you in the right moment. Be patient. Be grateful. 每一样东西东西都会在对的时间出现,请怀着耐心和感恩去等待。

84、If you love me, do not leave me easily. 若爱我就不要轻易离开我。

85、黑夜里我陪你走 别再日出甩开我的手I'll walk with you in the dark. Don't let go of my hand at sunrise

86、Nothing is necessary. Everything is a choice. 没有什么事是必须的。每一件事都只是一个选择。

87、I've been waiting my whole life. I just don't know what the hell for. 我这一生都在等待着,只是不知道到底在等谁。

88、Whether friendship or love, come, my warm 不管是友情还是爱情,你来,我热情相拥。你走,我坦然放手。

89、Afterlife strada solitaria, ho dovuto trovare qualcuno da servire. 来世路上太寂寞,我总得找个人伺候。

90、I have a dream, I can't fall. When you stop, don't forget, others are still in the running. 我还有梦,我不能倒。当你停下脚步的时候,别忘了,别人还在奔跑。

91、Fading is true while flowering is past. 凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。

92、Truly great friends are hard to find 真心的朋友难觅…

93、I have no sense of security,because I love you too. 我没有安全感,是因为我太爱你……

94、The effort that does not walk heart, is in perfunctory oneself. 不走心的努力,都是在敷衍自己。

95、You do not know I am missing you

96、One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.That word is love. 有一个词可以让我们摆脱生活中所有的负担和痛苦,那就是"爱情"。

97、I can forget everything, but I can't forget your appearance. 我可以忘记一切,却忘不了你的出现。

98、快乐可以与人共享 苦难只能自己坚强Happiness can share sufferings with others, only one can be strong

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